Claims Processing Automation Solutions
MITEC’s Claims Processing Automation software provides the ability to read the text from documents, then upload that information straight to your claims processing system. This claims automation system significantly reduces costly data entry expenses charged by the businesses that process claims forms.
This software utilizes Optical Character Recognition (OCR) processing to identify the machine printed data on scanned images, as well as Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) that has the ability to read handwritten data.
Benefits of Claims Processing Automation
Any organization spending time entering data from claim forms and EOBs benefit considerably from a claims automation system. With many businesses dedicating more than a third of their employee’s time to inputting this information, you can save notable time and money with recognition software. Additionally, MITEC’s ICR AND OCR recognition systems provide you with superior data entry that reduces error and the overall claims processing time, which allows for quicker payments.
Claims Processing Automation Workflow
The process of scanning and recognizing claim forms is pretty straightforward, with the steps typically looking like this:

- Papers prepared to be scanned
- Papers scanned using a high-speed document scanner
- Scanned data is recognized with Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR)
- Data is given a “confidence” rating according to recognition quality
- Data rated “low confidence” is given to users for physical review and corrections
- Once errors are corrected, the data is exported to the claims processing database, or to a data file to be imported
The major takeaway in claims automation systems is that it removes the hardest, most time-consuming part. Hours of work are removed, with roughly 5% remaining to be reviewed and edited. Imagine all of the time and money saved through implementing claims processing automation!
We Can Help
Let MITEC’s team of experts change the way your office works with our claims processing automation solutions. We’ll save you time, money and effort quickly and painlessly.